Daylilies E - H

Early Shift

Electric Eyes

Elegant Girls

Elizabeth in Pink

Elusive Happiness

Embossed Elegance

Eno Vino

Entwined In The Vine

Escape Reality

Everybody Loves Hans

Exotic Starfish

Extravagant Love

Facing The Giants (SOLD OUT)

False Eyelashes

Fancy Needlework

Fantasy Beckons

Far Away Trekker

Feather in My Cap

Feeling Thorny

Fire Papa

Fireworks Exploding


Flying Dipper

Forever in Flight

Forever My Girl (Display Only)


Forgiveness and Mercy

Fountain of Life

Fours Are Wild

Free Ticket

Fried Green Tomatoes

Fringe Science

Frozen Patterns (Display Only)

Fun Bus Wild Ride (Display Only)

Galactic Starburst

Gateway To The South

Gaudy Grasshopper

Gelid Fish

Georgia Passion (Display Only)

Georgia Sunrise

Ghost Ranger (Display Only)

Ghosts and Goblins

Giant Huntsman

Glorious Unfolding

Glory Be Dawn of Time (Display Only)

Glory In The Highest

Glory Oh So Fine

Glowing Lantern

Go Big or Go Home (Display Only)

God’s Gift to Warthogs

Going Big Time

Golden Chimpanzee

Golden Retriever (Display Only)

Golden Ticket

Gone With The Wine

Goody Goody Gumdrop

Grandma Squiggles

Grandma’s Little Sweetheart

Grandpa’s Little Sweetheart

Great Balls of Fire

Green Eyeballs

Green Inferno

Green Smiley Face



Hallowed Ground (Display Only)

Halloween Green

Happy Pants

Happy Place

Happy Valley

Hardy Har Har
