We’re pleased to share almost 700 varieties of daylilies on this website. Prices listed for daylilies are for double division plants. Plants from our daylily garden can be ordered on this site. Please click on Daylily Photos in the navigation menu to view our daylily inventory. You can make selections and pay by credit card or PayPal at checkout, or if you prefer, you can print the order form attached below, complete the paper copy and mail it, along with your payment to our mailing address. If you're in our area and would prefer to pick up your plants, just email us your list and we'll confirm availability and coordinate a time for payment and pickup. All 2025 orders will be completed by mid-September so we have time to replant the beds and get the plants ready for 2026.
Bonus plants will be included in all shipments, except during the BOGO Sale. We will ship all orders UPS, so be sure to give us your complete address, no Post Office Box numbers, please. This year, shipping begins after April 20th (weather permitting) and will continue through September 10th. Easy to follow planting and care directions will be included in the shipping box with your order.
PLEASE BE AWARE - - many of the plants listed as "Display Only" during the 2024 growing season will be available for purchase beginning in April 2025. The supply may be limited, so order early if there's something you see that you'd like to add to your daylily collection.
We also offer gift certificates for those of you who need gift ideas. Let us know of your interest and we’ll be happy to work with you. If you can’t come visit with us in our garden this year, we hope that you’ll place an order for some new varieties. Minimum plant order for shipping is $40.00. Payment must accompany your order. You can order directly on this site and pay by credit card or PayPal. Shipping will automatically be added if you order on this site. If you prefer to mail a check with your order, please click on the "Order Form" attached and print the form for you to complete and mail with your payment.